Traditional Chinese doctor patient please, eat mostly traditional Chinese medicine decoction, the decoction is clinically the most widely used form. In order to improve the curative effect of Decoction on decoction method, all through the ages is very important, such as the pharmaceutical scientist Li Shizhen said: "
Landscape product dab2d12ck although the mortal Decoction goods repair expertise, such as law, and decocting, rash rash, and bad, heat loss, the drug also reactive power ". In order to improve the curative effect of decoction, must pay attention to Chinese medicine decoction. Traditional Chinese medicine decoction before boiling bubbles, not only shorten boiling time, and with the prospect of traditional Chinese medicine effective constituents as much as possible dissolution, which is actually the lack of scientific understanding error.
Traditional Chinese medicine containing protein in boiling bubbles will due to a sudden heating and solidification, and the cell wall sclerosis, outer form dense membrane, hinder the internal composition of full dissolution; traditional Chinese medicine containing polymeric material, in the boiling water easily after the formation of colloid, also does not favor the effective components of traditional Chinese medicine from; cutting, grinding, surface left powder due to sudden heat gelatinization,
babyclothwear hinder the medicinal capillary channels, so that the moisture is difficult to penetrate, composition of dissolved and difficult to spread outwards, ultimately affect the components decocting; aromatic herbs, such as basil, mint, Costus, Amomum villosum, cardamom, containing volatile oil and a volatile substance, heated volatile, is not contraindicated in before Decoction boiling bubble, more should be under the. Experiments indicated that, before the traditional Chinese medicine decoction for optimum temperatures of 40 ℃ -50℃, to soak for 30 minutes, this condition even herbal moist fully expanded,
china badge supplier and increase the effective components decocting rate.