



would not rightly interpret them

As I feel now, it seems impossible."
She had quickly observed his depressed, abstracted manner, but misinterpreted the causes.  Her own face clouded and grew troubled.  Perhaps she was revealing too much of her heart, although seeking to disguise it so sedulously, and he was penetrating her motives for doing so much in the garden and in luring him thither now.  He was not showing much practical interest in beans and beets, and was evidently oppressed and ill at ease.
"I hope we have done things right?" she ventured, turning away to hide tears of disappointment.
"Her self-sacrifice is giving out," he thought bitterly.  "She finds she can scarcely look at me as I now appear in contrast with this June evening.  Well, I don't blame her.  It makes me almost sick when I think of myself and I won't be brute enough to say a harsh word to her. "You have done it all far better than I could," he said emphatically. "I would not have believed it if you hadn't shown me.  The trouble is, you are trying to do too much.  I--I think I'll take a walk."
In fact, he had reached the limit of endurance; he could not look upon her another moment as she appeared that evening and feel that she associated him chiefly with crops and business, and that all her grateful good will Space Research could not prevent his personality from being disagreeable.  He must carry his bitterness whither no eye could see him, and as he turned, his self-disgust led him to whirl away his pipe.  It struck a tree and fell shattered at its foot.  Alida had never seen him do anything of the kind before, and it indicated that he was passing beyond the limits of patience. "Oh, oh," she sobbed, "I fear we are going to drift apart!  If he can't endure to talk with me about such things, what chance have I at all?  I hoped that the hour, the beauty of the evening, and the evidence that I had been trying so hard to please him would make him more like what he used to be before he seemed to take a dislike.  There's only one way to account for it all--he sees how I feel and he doesn't like it.  My very love sets him against me.  My heart was overflowing tonight.  How could I help it, as I remembered how he stood up for me?  He was brave and kind; he meant well by me, he means well now; but he can't help his feelings.  He has gone away now to think of the woman that he did love and loves still, and it angers him that I should think of taking her place.  He loved her as a child and girl and woman--he told me so; he warned me and said he could not help thinking of her.  If I had not learned to love him so deeply and passionately and show it in spite of myself time would gradually have softened the past and all might have gone well.  Yet how could I help it when he saved me from so much?  I feel tonight, though, that I only escaped one kind of trouble to meet another almost as bad and which may become worse."
She strolled to the farther end of the garden that she might become calm before meeting Jane's scrutiny.  Useless precaution!  For the girl had been watching them both.  Her motive had not been unmixed curiosity, since, having taken some part in the garden work, she had wished to witness Holcroft's pleasure and hear his praises.  Since the actors in the scene so misunderstood each other, she certainly Neo skin lab,. "She's losin' her hold on 'im," she thought, "He acted just as if she was mother."
When Jane saw Alida coming toward the house she whisked fr




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